‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 4 spoilers: Another tease for ‘The Five’
Just in case the first video that we shared for Thursday night’s “The Vampire Diaries” (entitled “The Five”) was not enough, we now have another tease worth celebrating from executive producer Julie Plec. However, this one comes to us via writing rather than a lovely clip from The CW.
In a new post on her Twitter, it is executive producer Julie Plec who is speaking out on the subject of what we are going to see coming up … in particular when it comes to someone who is going to be rather mysterious to just about everyone viewing at home. Could this be a part of a much-anticipated flashback to the 12th century? We are betting on it:
“Next week a hot shirtless medieval dude with a sword opens the ep in which all is revealed (plot-wise, not nekked-wise)”
In one flashback, we know that we are going to be meeting a man who will serve as a love interest of sorts to Claire Holt’s Rebekah, and hopefully we will find out a little bit more in the process about just why she is the character that she is in the present day that seems to be so strong in some ways, and yet emotional fragile in other departments. In the present, she has taken a bit of a liking to Matt, but he does not seem to be so keen to forgive her at the moment given just about everything that we saw happen during the season 3 finale earlier this year. We do like the two in some ways, so hopefully they will eventually find a way to move past all of this.
What do you want to see take place on Thursday night’s new episode?