American Horror Story: 1984 will be the shortest season yet
Now, we have to let some of the air out of the metaphorical tires. TV Guide confirms today that season 9 is going to run for only nine episodes, meaning that there are only four episodes to go before we reach the conclusion. The original conclusion that so many of us drew was that this season would run for ten, similar to some recent ones on FX. Shortening it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
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Let’s start, though, with why a shorter run may be somewhat of a good thing: More opportunities in order to see a consistent narrative! Sometimes, the problem with American Horror Story as a series is that you get around seven episodes in and the writers don’t know what to do anymore. The series gets a little free-wheeling and out of control, but shortening the order may alleviate some of the problem to a certain extent.
As for the downside to fewer episodes, that’s rather simple: Fewer chances to discuss the show! We do love breaking things down when it comes to the story week after week, and we’re going to cherish every single minute of it. It also does mean less chances for the cast to shine, so they have to make the most of fairly limited opportunities.
When you think about it, this season may be shorter than some others not only in terms of content, but also runtime. Remember back in some other seasons, where episodes often went well past an hour, including commercials? Most of the episodes as of late for 1984 have run around an hour flat, if not slightly less than that.
Related News – Be sure to get some more information on American Horror Story and what’s coming
What do you think about American Horror Story: 1984 being the shortest season yet? Share some of your thoughts now in the comments, and remember to stick around for some other updates. (Photo: FX.)