The Bachelorette: Peter Weber reportedly dumped Calee Lutes for show
In a new interview with ET Online, Lutes (a model who met Peter while he was undergoing pilot training in Atlanta) opens up about being in a five-month relationship with Peter prior to him going through casting on the show. She describes their relationship as a loving and positive one until right before he ended up suddenly ending it in December before last year — right around the time when he was in discussions with producers for the show:
The whole month of December, everything was normal. Early in the month, I was working in Santa Barbara, so he drove up to see me all three days I was there. We talked yet again about the future, and he asked me if I could see myself living in Santa Barbara with him. We talked about houses out there, and how cool it would be to have a runway in our backyard. He flew to Atlanta a week later to spend the weekend with me, and again, everything was perfectly normal. We said our goodbyes, and that was the last time we saw each other. The rest of the week, we talked every day, as we always did. We talked about plans for New Year’s, and of course, we wanted to spend it together, so I bought a ticket out to L.A. We also were planning a trip to Costa Rica in March.
A few days later, (two days before Christmas), we FaceTimed and he said that we should end our relationship before it got even more serious. He didn’t really have a reason why. I was devastated and completely blindsided. To do this right before Christmas was cruel, it not only ruined my Christmas, but my family’s as well. I didn’t understand why it was so urgent to end things so suddenly. I thought there was another girl, so I looked at his recent followers on Instagram, and noticed that a Bachelorette producer had recently followed him. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but I knew there was something he wasn’t telling me. He immediately deleted EVERY trace of me on Instagram. He deleted our pictures, which is expected, but he also untagged me from photos, deleted my comments from his page and went as far as unliking my photos/deleting his comments from my Instagram as well.
Lutes also notes that Peter continued to be in touch with her, despite the breakup, and talked about seeing her again until the show began filming in March.
There are some major distinctions between the Peter story and Jed’s with his own reported ex in Haley Stevens. When it comes to Jed, we’re talking about someone who reportedly never ended his relationship at all. If we’re to buy into Calee’s story (she supplied the publication with messages from as late as last December), he ended his relationship during casting and before things were starting to get serious and he didn’t want to come across the same way that Jed did.
We do think that all of this stuff is fairly common with contestants on this franchise and we’ve heard stories of women doing the same thing to guys before The Bachelor. Does that make any of it right? Far from it. These are people trying to play out all of their “options” and then looking foolish when these reports hit the internet. Regardless of if everyone buys into the story or not, this stuff does hurt Peter’s odds of becoming The Bachelor down the road.
If you want more news from The Bachelorette: The Men Tell All taping…
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What do you think about Calee Lutes’ new comments about Peter and The Bachelorette? Be sure to share in the comments. (Photo: ABC.)