Big Brother 21 live feed spoilers: Who won the week 3 Veto?
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Before sharing the winner, here’s a quick refresher as to where things stood entering the proceedings today — Head of Household Nick was competing alongside the nominees in Cliff and Jessica. Meanwhile, Jackson, Christie (Jessica’s choice), and Kat were also taking part. The idea seems to be to remove Jessica and Nicole goes on the block … but we know some within Gr8ful (led by Christie) want to ensure that Nicole sticks around in order to go after Nick and Bella since she has so many reasons to do so.
So who actually won? Kat! That’s the crazy thing. We said earlier today that there was almost no chance that she’s win and yet, here we are. We don’t know why Kat decided that now was the time she wanted to win something but it’s kind of hilarious. She does seem interested in using it on Jess, meaning that Nicole will go up but there’s no guarantee that she will go. There will need to be six votes cast in order to keep her safe — which, fittingly, would equal the entirety of the Six Shooters alliance. All of them are voting so they will be able to get the job done here.
In the end, who actually leaves will depend heavily on whether or not Christie gets her way. We know already that she wants Cliff to leave and feels like Nicole will take out Bella and Nick if she gets the opportunity to do so. They’re too combustible of people to really work with her, unless of course they get blindsided by someone else beforehand and they figure out that Nicole was being truthful.
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What do you think about the Veto winner within the Big Brother 21 house? Be sure to share in the comments, and remember to come back soon for even more news on the show. (Photo: CBS.)