The Big Bang Theory season 13: Could it ever happen … someday?

Is it possible that The Big Bang Theory season 13 could someday surface? Are we deluding ourselves into thinking about the idea?

Obviously, tonight marks the series finale of the show on CBS, and the decision was made to end The Big Bang Theory last year. Why? It had to do with the interests of star Jim Parsons, who was ready to move on after spending more than a decade playing the character of Dr. Sheldon Cooper. We understand that this show, even with a fairly busy production schedule, can take up a rather enormous chunk of the week.

What’s interesting to consider here, though, is that for most of the other cast members of the show, it does seem as though there was an interest in them coming back and doing more. The idea of doing a season 13 was something that was, in fact, on the table before Parsons’ decision, and we do wonder if years down the road, there is a chance for something more.

Do we think that we need it? Not really, given that we’ve seen for the past 12 years one of the most successful comedies of all time. The Big Bang Theory is not one of those shows that was gone far too soon. It had a fantastic run and over the course of the past several years, it’s had a chance to do some wonderful things. Unfortunately, sometimes all good things must come to an end.

A better thing to hope for

Maybe within a year or two, there could be a spin-off featuring one of the main characters of this show. It does feel as though there could be some openness to it on the part of the series’ producers, at least based on some of the information that’s out there. The primary issue for now seems to be simply one of getting the right story together. There’s not an apparent interest in doing something more unless the plotline for it is 100% perfect, so we’re looking at a situation that is very much fluid and could be based on 1) the right idea and then 2) making sure the right person is available.

For example, the idea of a Raj spin-off is incredibly appealing because it feels like there is more story left to tell with this character. Yet, would we really buy into a story where Raj wouldn’t spend any time with his old friends?

Do you want to see The Big Bang Theory season 13 happen at some point in the future? Be sure to share right now in the comments

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