The Flash season 5 episode 20: Emily Kinney returns; Cisco’s choice
So how are some of these characters going to be utilized? The just-released The Flash season 5 episode 20 synopsis below (via SpoilerTV) does give you a little bit more insight as to what’s coming up:
WEATHER WITCH, QUEEN BEE AND RAG DOLL RETURN TO CENTRAL CITY — Barry (Grant Gustin) continues to struggle with how he feels about Nora’s (Jessica Parker Kennedy) betrayal. Brie Larvan (guest star Emily Kinney), Joss Jackam (guest star Reina Hardesty) and Peter Merkel (guest star Troy James) return to Central City. Meanwhile, Cisco (Carlos Valdes) makes a bold decision. Kristin Windell directed the episode written by Sam Chalsen & Joshua V. Gilbert (#520). Original airdate 4/30/2019.
Obviously, seeing these three villains in a single episode (entitled “Gone Rogue,” an obvious reference to what the show is doing here) is exciting, but we also figure that there are going to be some at around this time eager for something a little bit more high-stakes. Nobody quite knows if the storyline with Nora is going to be one that lasts longer this season, or that the future for some other key characters is really ensured as well. This brings us back to Cisco in the midst of all of the questions about his future. There have been concerns about how much more we could be seeing of Carlos Valdes beyond this season, something that seems to be stemming mostly from a lack of screen time that he had for big chunks in the middle of this season. Nothing has been announced or confirmed here (as it’s been with Emily Bett Rickards over on Arrow, for example), but it is certainly something worth thinking about as we get into the end of this episode.
Hopefully, on the other side of “Gone Rogue” we will see the writers push us more and more towards a thrilling conclusion with jaw-droppers, cool characters, and all sorts of other things to be psyched about. We’d certainly love to see all three of these baddies back for season 6 is the opportunity presents itself.
For some more news on the next new The Flash episode…
Head over here for some good stuff all about “Godspeed,” including a chance to see Barry and Eobard together for the first time in the future. Meanwhile, let us know what you think about “Gone Rogue,” per the description, in the comments! (Photo: The CW.)