Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Adam’s protest (day 40)
If you had Adam getting big-time angry over Sam’s impending eviction, congratulations! You win … basically nothing. You predicted the same thing that everybody under the sun predicted. It was easy to figure out that this was the direction that we were going to go just because of the fact that this is the direction that just about everything goes within this house — it’s predictable. Adam seemed to realize a long time ago that Sam was going to be going home eventually if his alliance-mates had their way, but accepting it now is a little bit different.
This afternoon, Adam and Anthony have had themselves a pretty tremendous fight over some of their gameplay, whether it be Adam apparently not campaigning enough to help Mark when he was on the block to how close Anthony is with Cory. Basically, Adam’s grasping at straws to try and show that his relationship with Sam isn’t that different from what we’re seeing in some other places within the game. We don’t know what he’s really hoping to accomplish here since there’s no real way to envision Estefania leaving over Sam. There’s incentive for the non-Adam Pretty Boys to take her out, and there’s a pretty good reason for Damien to do the same thing since it weakens Adam and gets rid of a major competition threat.
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Here’s a crazy thing to think about — it’s probably not going to happen, but it’d still be fun. What would happen if Adam goes rogue and plots a revenge tour against some of the rest of the Pretty Boys after this? It’d be one of the few times we’ve seen one move single-handedly swerve someone’s popularity as a player in the game. All of a sudden, Adam goes from being one of your prototypical Big Brother bros to someone with a compelling story arc.
At this point, we know that viewers for this season are just hoping for some sort of wrench to throw into the system to make things different. We think that the odds of a Pretty Boys implosion are there, mostly because of what Mark wants to do if he gets power and also if Adam actually gets mad enough to want to do something about where he is in the game. He’d have Kyra on his side, for sure.
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What do you want to see happen beyond Thursday’s Big Brother Canada eviction? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: Global.)