The Flash season 5 episode 18 photo: Barry, Eobard reunite

The Flash

Even though The CW is still not giving a whole lot away about The Flash season 5 episode 18 (entitled “Godspeed”) — including info on the title character! — we at least have a new photo that gives away ONE key aspect of this story. For the first time since the big Eobard twist was introduced, Barry Allen is finally set to reunite with his old nemesis.

In the photo above, you can get a good sense of what we’re talking about as Barry and the Reverse Flash are squaring off — or at least spending some time chatting with each other. If you’re Barry, the temptation is almost certainly there to tear Eobard a new one. This is a guy who’s been manipulating his daughter and generally causing a mess of things in his life. Yet, the regrettable thing for him is that he’s going to have no real choice but to try and collaborate with this dude. Eobard had some sort of plan for Nora when it comes to Cicada — we didn’t see the full conclusion of it just because of that last-minute curveball with Future Grace entering the present. That curveball is what led to Thawne telling Nora to just come clean about what she’s been up to … and here we are now. We’re left watching and waiting to see what happens next and if Barry can figure out a way to stop this new meta-human killer.

We haven’t learned too much about this new Cicada, other than that she seems to be even more dangerous that Orlin Dwyer ever was in this world. We also are still waiting to figure out reasons she’s in the present in the first place given that typically, non-speedsters don’t dabble in the world of time travel and last we checked, the Time Bureau hasn’t indicated any breaches or the like when it comes to Legends of Tomorrow. This is where, if we’re going to put on a thinking cap for a moment, the presence of Godspeed comes into play. What we know about this character is that they’re a powerful speedster and presumably, the sort who could transplant a villain into another timeline … but why? Why do this? What’s the benefit for them? That’s the central mystery of this episode more so than seeing if Barry’s going to swallow his pride and team up with Eobard.

Luckily, this episode is right around the corner now and through that, the time for answers is just about here. Danielle Panabaker is making her directorial debut with this one, and we certainly think that she’s found a prime opportunity to take this gig on! What better, more intriguing storyline from this season is there?

For a little more insight on “Godspeed,” run over to this link in a flash and view the synopsis!

Excited to check out The Flash season 5 episode 18?

How do you think we’re going to see Barry and Eobard work together … if they even are? Share some of your thoughts in the comments and check back soon if you’re hungry for more news and discussions on this episode. (Photo: The CW.)

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