Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: The Veto Ceremony + strategy talk
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As anticipated, Cory did not use the Power of Veto to remove either Chelsea or Kyra from the block, which more or less is what we expected coming into the day. Dane had wanted to backdoor Sam at various points in the week but seemed to have backed off the approach slightly. We saw him and Sam come up with a deal on the show Sunday night, but we don’t think it’s about that so much as him wanting to placate Adam for a little while longer. Plus, Chelsea is a fairly-sizable threat in her own right since she can win competitions and is smart. She just found herself in a position where the wrong person won Head of Household and the person with the power understandably wants someone out who is going to want him out. Dane may be ridiculous for winning so much, so early, but we don’t blame him for some of the targets that he’s looking at.
So what’s going to happen from here? It does seem like Chelsea’s leaving and there isn’t really all that much that she can do about it — mostly because Kyra won’t let her. We’re not sure you can call this strategy or just Kyra being stage 5 clinger, but they won’t leave Chelsea alone. They’ve already admitted to having some feelings for her, and Chelsea’s basically in an impossible spot — she doesn’t want to look like a jerk to Kyra on TV, but she also wants to do what she can to campaign and stick around. It’s just hard when she has virtually no breathing room and is drowning in some emotional hand-wringing and back-and-forths about whether or not she likes Kyra or if she finds Kyra annoying. It’s been exhausting watching the two of them — and, unfortunately, the live feeds have been on the two of them for quite some time already.
What else is going on?
Anthony continues to think that he’s some sort of odd combination of Derrick and then also Paul. He’s trying to mastermind and scheme and actually seems fine trying to embarrass Chelsea on her way out the door by making her think that she’s got more hope than she has, which is never a great way to play Big Brother. We don’t foresee Anthony winning this game, mostly because he’s going to have to contend with arguably his own biggest threat to win: Anthony. Seriously, the dude is his own worst enemy.
For some other insight on the feeds…
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What do you want to see happen within the Big Brother Canada game moving forward? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: Global.)