Big Brother Canada 7 eviction, live HoH competition updates (spoilers!)
How rare is this? Well, let’s put it this way — Big Brother Canada effectively spoiled their episode in advance. (Spoilers ahead!) It’s clear from the fact that Kailyn is not participating in the HoH Competition that she was evicted tonight … which probably isn’t going to leave anyone stunned. It’s been a lock for a good while that she’d be the person booking a ticket clean out of the house. Her time as an agent/spy/whatever-the-show-wants-to-call-it is over.
Check out our most-recent Big Brother Canada video update! – We’ve got that for you below and it’s worthy of checking out. On the other side of that, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and take a look at our Big Brother Canada playlist. You don’t want to miss some of the other updates that we’ve got!
So how did it happen? We give Big Brother Canada credit tonight for TRYING to create some drama around her, though we don’t think she was ever as “manipulative” as she came across in Chelsea’s mind. If she was so good, wouldn’t she have had more people on her side? Wouldn’t she have avoided the block in the first place? Chelsea thinks that she’s made this incredible move when really, she just showed further how good Kiera and Estefania are instead.
The Leon’s Lounge returns
Damien won the vote … again! He got a chance to embark on a secret mission to get some intelligence — and he even got to burn the note containing some of the key info. He figured it out via a pretty entertaining segment, but where things got interesting is when he actually made it back to the lounge and got, effectively, a whole lot of nothing.
Is it cool that Big Brother Canada isn’t out to ruin the integrity of their game? Sure, but for Damien to make it back there and just answer some reasonably-useless questions (okay, so Mark is a good liar, whatever), this was the Big Brother equivalent of “be sure to drink your Ovaltine.”
Ironically, Sam may as well have won the power herself given that she got far more valuable information — she overheard Adam and Dane talking about working together! She didn’t hear everything that they said, but started to get a sense that she and Chelsea aren’t as safe as they once were.
After this, we then got the evictions. Kailyn went home, at least after torching Chelsea in her speech. She did tell everyone about being a mom on her way out the door, mostly in a last-ditch attempt to save herself and then to prove a point.
Discussing the HoH Competition
This is buzzkilled, a classic Big Brother Canada competition that is really all about how bad you want to win … and also your ability to be constantly aware of what’s going on around you. You gotta press the buzzer when an alarm goes off — if you’re the last to do it, you’re donezo.
The competition started on the feeds and Kyra was the first person eliminated. Sam and Adam are still in it, and so are Dane, Kiera, Cory, Damien, and Mark. That means that three out of the four Pretty Boys are still in it, plus also Adam’s showmance. That means that Cory, Damien, and Kiera are your best hope for something crazy to happen. This does feel like the ideal chance for Damien to win and do a little bit of big-game hunting in the house.
The feeds went down at the start of the show, so we’ll see who’s remaining on the other side…
After the show…
Dane, Cory, Damien, and Sam were still in the competition — that’s exciting just because it guarantees that there’s a chance of craziness this week. Sam could go after the bros, while Dane would likely contemplate targeting Sam. Cory and Damien have a little more flexibility in general. Soon after this, though, Cory was out. Damien was the next out, and then it was Dane and Sam … which is probably disappointing for those who want a minority alliance in power.
In the end, the winner is Dane! He will have power for the week.
For some more news when it comes to Big Brother Canada…
Be sure to visit the link here right now!
As always, we welcome some of your thoughts on all things Big Brother Canada in the comments. (Photo: Global.)