Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: The Veto winner (and crisis)
Here’s the most important thing worth noting: Sam won the Veto, which does give her the ability to remove either nominee (Kiera or Damien) from the block. Chelsea’s been targeting Kailyn for most of her HoH reign and that is the replacement nominee, if Sam decides to use it. She’s already debating it — she doesn’t want to rock the vote per se, but also recognizes the strategic capital that could be built from saving someone from going home.
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The larger controversy in the house at present pertains to the way in which Sam reportedly got veto necklace, which stems mostly from her getting help from Kyra, who went out of her way to help her. In some shape or form, Adam may have done the same. It was all apparently very transparent and Kyra is doing nothing to keep from being on thin ice following their time on the block. Chelsea is contemplating slowly distancing herself from Kyra, which probably would be a good move just from the standpoint of singling out someone as an easy target. If you can find a way to control and handle Kyra, personally they feel like a great person to bring to the end of the game — it’s just keeping the emotional, impulsive side of them at bay.
After the incidents last night, Kyra and Chelsea did have a conversation earlier today, one in which Chelsea cautioned them against being too impulsive and speaking as much as they are. Chelsea also talked to Sam about using the Veto and then nominating Kailyn, which we do think will happen based on what we’ve seen. There’s a lot of venting going on about Kyra making the game more difficult than it needs to be, but we don’t think that it’s something that is actually going to get them on the block right now. As frustrating as they may be within the greater context of the game, they’re still on Chelsea’s side. It’s better to have someone who is not targeting you over someone who is, as long as that person is not amplifying the target by too great a degree.
Today, there will be plenty of time to talk things out — and also plenty of time for the plans to change. Do we think that it will? Probably not, since Kailyn seems to be completely in the dark (all of the psychic jokes just write themselves) about her being the target that she is. Maybe a part of that, ironically, due to her not being as good of player as Chelsea thinks she is … which is why targeting her in the first place isn’t altogether the right move at the moment.
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Then be sure to visit the link here right now! That includes our most-recent exit interview with none other than Maki Moto.
Where do you want to see things go moving forward within the Big Brother Canada house? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: Global.)