Law & Order: SVU season 20 episode 17 video: Benson, Rollins, and a phone
After all, the sneak peek below is focused on a woman who doesn’t have a lot of experience dealing with law enforcement … though she may very well be involved in a crime. Following a kidnapping, SVU is looking into what happened and she immediately surfaces as a suspect. Why? She’s the girl’s birth mother and superficially that connotates a motive in itself. Maybe she regrets the decision to give her up for adoption, or maybe a significant life change is causing her to look at the world in a new, dangerous light.
No matter her reasoning (or even if she’s actually guilty) one thing is super-clear based on this preview alone: She’s got something to hide and it’s dark. She doesn’t want to turn over her phone to Benson or Rollins when they ask, which leads to a signature Rollins lecture about police procedure. This is where we get back to the two of them being total bosses at their jobs. It’d be easy for Rollins to shrug her shoulders over the woman not wanting to give up the phone and to come back later, but she takes a different approach — making it clear that waiting is not going to make this better. Instead, she’ll come back angrier and even more ready to take her down then she is now. She’s not gonna want to deal with that and at the end of the preview, this woman firmly agrees. That’s why she finally decides that she’s better off just surrendering the phone, where Benson and Rollins see what she’s got: Photos of the missing girl.
What does that mean? Well, clearly, the notion of not being around her is a total lie. At the very least, she’s stalking the girl or having someone else do it. It doesn’t make her a kidnapper, but it causes them to be infinitely more suspicious of her. Clearly, there’s an attachment there. Maybe don’t think of it as super-glue, but instead think of it as that glue you get in elementary school. It can do the job for a little while, but at some point your macaroni art is going to start to lose some noodles – Benson and Rollins are going to need more than that in order to make this case stick. Maybe the biological mom is innocent but at this point there’s too much smoke to let her walk away. After all, if this smoke becomes a fire, they can’t run the risk of her taking off to ignite somewhere else.
Time is of the essence … but isn’t time always off the essence when you’re dealing with the most sensitive of cases in New York City?
What do you think is coming in terms of Law & Order: SVU season 20 episode 17?
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