Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: The new HoH; Cory’s goal (day 6)
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Let’s start with the big news of the night in the HoH winner — it’s Dane! We thought he would be the sort of bro to win an early competition when he has no business doing so, and that is precisely what he’s done now. Apparently, Eddie also did really well and Dane may have made some sort of deal with him in order to ensure that he’s safe for the week.
So who are going to be the nominees? At the moment, Kyra seems like a sure thing. The feeds weren’t on for it, but appears as though Kyra said something earlier to put themselves in a huge bind. Dane doesn’t trust them and that could end up being the downfall of their game. Kyra seems to know that they’re in trouble and they’re may not be a way to turn that around. (Anthony did a good job consoling Kyra a little bit earlier, convincing them to stick around in the game and that it’s worth fighting for.)
So what do we know in terms of alliances at the moment? There are a number of things worth noting, starting that the main alliance of Anthony, Mark, Dane, and Adam. They are “The Pretty Boys” and they seem to be folding in other people around them. Mark and Sam seem like a pretty legit showmance from what we can tell, whereas Kiera (who most seem to call Kiki to avoid confusion) is really close with Dane and he seems to be super fond of her. Chelsea is also fairly close with Sam and, in turn, presumably some of the guys.
It seems as though Eddie and Kailyn were pretty close to Laura, but of course voted with the house. They really had no other choice, but this could make Kailyn an easy nominee … especially she floating the idea to Dane of getting Adam out. She recognizes that he’s not only a threat, but he’s also really aggressive in the game.
As for how Cory is doing…
Remember, her mission is to make sure that she makes three final two deals by tomorrow — if she fails, it’s all she wrote. She has made a final-two deal with Eddie already, but there are two others that she still needs. It’s not going to be easy since it seems like there are a lot of people still wary of her. Also, there are a number of people constantly fluttering in and out of rooms. It’s hard to have individual conversations with so much going on!
For now, we think Cory will probably make it, just because it may not be too hard for two people to just agree to it for the sake of agreeing to it — it’s good gameplay for them to say yes! They don’t have to live up to the promise…
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