Victoria season 4 renewal hopes: Will Jenna Coleman series return?


Following tonight’s season 3 finale over on PBS, is there hope still for a Victoria season 4? Are we going to have a chance to see this series emerge once more? It’s one of the more perplexing questions we have at the moment, largely because some of the programming decisions for season 3 were so perplexing in the first place.

Season 3 marks the first time in the show’s history that the British drama aired in America prior to in the UK — as a matter of fact, it typically tends to air months earlier in the UK before it launches in the States! We know that this change is rather agitating to a lot of devoted Victoria viewers in Britain, especially since they now have to avoid spoilers on a show that was technically theirs to begin with. Really though – can there actually be spoilers for a show based mostly on history?

Anyhow, it remains difficult to fully ascertain the future of a show like Victoria when much of its success is based on its performance in the UK; yet, there is no data on its UK performance to share as of yet. We’d like to express some hope in the series future, but for now we’re basing that mostly on hopes and dreams.

The best bit of advice we can offer you here is to exercise patience — we’d like to believe that there is at least one more season of Victoria coming, but the primary thing we’re going to be waiting on are some of the official ratings in the UK. These are the colors that will help to paint the fuller picture for the network and tell them if it’s worth it to give this another go around.

Where could things go in terms of the story?

During the season 3 finale, one of the primary focuses is going to be the Great Exhibition, which takes place in 1851. What does this mean? Well, for us it suggests that there is still so much more of the Queen’s story left to be told. As a matter of fact, there is also still so much more of Albert’s story left as well. Prince Albert lives until 1861 — he does die fairly young, but there is a larger story to be told here. Beyond that, there are also questions as to how long Victoria wants to explore the period after his death.

This is not going to be a show that lasts forever, at least with its current cast — that much is clear. We don’t think they’re going to suddenly start making every season about a year of the Queen’s life, even if there is probably enough content to make that happen. Victoria could just be a series about a certain chapter of the famed Monarch’s life — the only other option outside of taking a massive hiatus of a decade or longer) is doing a recast like The Crown. Jenna Coleman may be fantastic, but at a certain point you’re asking too much of her to play a version of the Queen significantly older than she is. Some long-term decisions are going to need to be made, and really the only evidence that we have of the long-term plans is what Daisy Goldman (the series’ executive producer) had to say via Deadline:

“I think we can safely say we’re not going to lose Albert in this series … It’s a really interesting time because Victoria just wants the love of her people. She’s almost like a child star who’s grown up with this affection and love, and when it’s withdrawn she’s empty and she doesn’t know what she’s for. But Albert thinks to be monarch is not necessarily to give people what they want, but what they need.”

Once there is more news regarding the future of Victoria (specifically if there is going to be a season 4) we will have it for you over at the link here. Stay tuned…

Do you want to see a Victoria season 4 renewal, and what part of her history do you want to see covered next? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: PBS.)

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