Is Avalance, Olicity, Supercorp, WestAllen, or someone else best Arrowverse ‘ship? (2019 ‘Shipper Showdown)

Shipper Showdown

Mrs. Carter: In kicking off today’s annual ‘Shipper Showdown article feature, I pose the following question: What’s the best ‘ship in all of the Arrowverse?

No doubt, this is an article and poll that could have over 30 different ‘ships on it! The Arrowverse is robust with possibilities of romance all over the place. Who would think that in the midst of trying to save the world, there would be so many opportunities for people to find love? Yet, this seems to be the case and there are so many different pairings worth discussing. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel where we talk about all of the Arrowverse shows.

Below, you can check out ten that I personally consider being among the most-fascinating ‘ships out there — unlike the ‘Shiptober series CarterMatt does in October, there’s no real limitation here in terms of them having to be from the past year. These are ten of the ones that stand out the most from the very beginning of the Arrowverse onward.

At the bottom of this article, there’s a poll for you to share your favorite! Vote however often you like until February 13 at 1:00 pm ET. The winning ‘ship will face off against many others from separate shows in the ‘Shipper Showdown finale on February 14.

Alex and Maggie, Supergirl – Even though Floriana Lima has not been seen on Supergirl in over a year now, I do still personally consider Sanvers to be one of the most meaningful ‘ships in the entire Arrowverse. The fact that Alex hasn’t moved on to another long-term love interest yet shows the emotional impact that this relationship had on her; it meant something, and we do still wonder if there could be hope for it again down the road.

Barry and Caitlin, The Flash – Snowbarry as a ‘ship has been around since the very first season of the show, and continues to be one of the most popular ones associated with The Flash online. It felt a little more like the writers played into it a little bit more early on in the series (remember when Hannibal Bates, disguised as Barry, kissed her back in season 1?), but it does remain a part of show lore. I do still think that Caitlin may have unresolved feelings on some level since she didn’t really back away from the kiss in season 1 at first.

Barry and Iris, The Flash – WestAllen is what I would call a foundational relationship within all of the Arrowverse, in that there’s zero chance the show works anywhere near as well without it. They have a loving, caring relationship that withstood the test of time before it even turned romantic. Now, they have one of the strongest bonds of any couple on any show, and they’ve withstood a number of tough obstacles.

Caitlin and Cisco, The Flash – This may be a ‘ship that may not become reality on The Flash, but there is certainly an audience for it, so it’s something for the show to consider. They go by a couple of different names (Snowvibe, Killervibe), but this is an example of a really great bond that could turn into something more. It just comes to whether or not the writers want to go there, given that there are so few platonic male/female friendships on TV. They do make me smile anytime they are together.

Diggle and Lyla, Arrow – One of the few couples within the Arrowverse that isn’t frequently referred to by a ‘ship name, at least in terms of one I actually use. They’re just Diggle and Lyla, and a part of that may just be used to how well we all know them and how natural their relationship feels. While they’ve had their issues over time, there’s certainly never been any doubt as to whether or not they will stay together.

Kara and Lena, Supergirl – Supercorp remains, by far, one of TV’s biggest ‘ships in general — hence, why it won the ‘Shipper Showdown last year and why it’s also scored wins here in ‘Shiptober and the CarterMatt Awards. They have such a passionate base who roots for them to be together and it’s easy to see why. They care deeply for each other and they have a solid foundation of friendship and understanding between them that not many people have. All of the best and long lasting relationships have that ground work and Kara and Lena definitely have that in place.

Oliver and Felicity, Arrow – These two have been through hell and back over the past several years, but despite Oliver’s imprisonment and a really rough start to the season, it does feel like Olicity is starting to make its way back to smooth sailing. We know that they’ve always cared for each other, and what they’ve had to work on is bridging the gap and learning even more about understanding each other and being there through thick and thin. The hardships they’ve faced have only made them stronger as a couple and is one of the many reasons they are so relatable.

Ray and Nora, Legends of Tomorrow – In some ways, Darhkatom are fairly new and there is no guarantee that Nora ends up on the straight and narrow. Yet, a part of what we love about them is that this seems to be one of the first times we’ve seen Ray with a ‘ship that is all about him. Remember how both Ray/Felicity and Ray/Kendra left him out in the cold? This is something different, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun to watch!

Sara and Ava, Legends of Tomorrow – The Avalance relationship is one that the writers definitely took their time with over the past year o grow, but it’s led to one of TV’s most-endearing relationships. We love how honest the two of them are around each other and how open they try to be — even with the craziness of the world around them. They act like they’ve been together far longer than they have, and that does speak to their compatibility and also their future.

Sara and Snart, Legends of Tomorrow – Maybe this is a ‘ship that faded far before its time, largely because of Captain Cold being killed off at the end of season 1. Yet, Captain Canary holds a fond spot in my heart as something totally unexpected, but also something that somehow worked. When Sara kissed Snart at the end of season 1, it meant something beyond just a final goodbye.

Related Check out more ‘Shipper Showdown pieces

Now, your turn

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