Law & Order: SVU season 20 episode 12 video: Is Noah doing better?
Does he mean everything that he says? We’re not altogether sure about that, since many kids at times just say anything that pops into their brain, not thinking about some of the ramifications that come as a result of that. In the sneak peek below (via TVLine), we are seeing a happier side of him as he is outdoors, playing a little bit of baseball with the help of Peter Stone. Given the character’s history with the game, it makes some sense that he would be the perfect baseball coach for Noah — we don’t know if Noah has any long-term interest in playing the sport, but at least this lets him blow off a little bit of steam and get some exercise.
We don’t want to make too much of the scene, mostly because there’s not enough here to read into this as something more coming for Olivia and Stone relationship-wise. Just because the two spend time out of work together doesn’t mean that they need to have a romantic connection; if that does form, it’s not overtly apparent here. What this does show more than anything else, is that Peter is willing to be another adult in Noah’s life — which certainly can be a good thing since it’s another mentor for him. The more positive influences any kid can have, the better off they’re going to be – as they often say, it takes a village.
In the end, this episode is going to be focused around Stone as some elements of his father’s past creep back up in the present — he’ll then have to work with Benson and the rest of the SVU team to figure out a way in which to resolve some ghosts from Ben’s past. We do think that Peter cares about his father’s legacy — it’s something that has been in place for the character ever since he debuted on Chicago Justice, and we certainly do think that it is in place here.
What do you want to see coming up on SVU season 20 episode 12? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. We’ll be back with more information on Thursday, including a full review of what transpires. (Photo: NBC.)