Shameless season 9 episode 8 video: Meet Santiago; the new Fiona

Shameless season 8

Shameless season 9 episode 8 is set to debut on Showtime this Sunday, and all signs suggest that disaster is coming for the Gallaghers. Did you really expect anything different?

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In the aftermath of losing much of what she held dear at the end of the first half of the season, including a fools-gold relationship and her business ventures, this episode could mark a low point for Fiona. She’s on a bender, spending every dollar that she can find on booze and drinking heavily. It’s hard to figure out a way that this is going to change for her, given that someone’s going to have to step in and help her! The responsible one at the moment seems to be Debbie, but she’s probably not the sort to put aside every single thing in her life in order to save her older sister from chaos.

As for what else is coming in this specific episode, we’re going to continue to see Frank circle the drain when it comes to this potentially-disastrous relationship with Ingrid. It’s hard to really imagine a way in which this relationship is going to end up in a good place, mostly because these are two people thinking about having a baby who have no business doing so. For starters, there’s no real evidence that either one of them is capable of it — also, there’s all sorts of evidence to the contrary for Frank given how much his kids have been left in order to fend for themselveshen they clearly still need some guidance.

This episode is also going to feature a substantial Lip storyline as he works to have something akin to a real relationship, at least by his standards. The problem that may come with this is mostly that few other people understand the Gallagher way — or the concept of not sharing underwear, something that really needs to be corrected. Lip and many other characters on the show are probably going to need to be relied on more than ever now — with Ian gone from the show seemingly for the near future, this is a series that will need to rely on everyone else. That includes Kevin and V, who seem to be ready to foster someone named Santiago. Odds are, he’s a little bit older than either one of them expected him to be.

Related News Be sure to get some more information regarding Shameless and what’s ahead.

What do you want to see when it comes to Shameless season 9 episode 8? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: Showtime.)

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