Lucifer season 4: When is filming for the finale wrapping up?


It still seems like yesterday that filming on Lucifer season 4 first began but now, we’re already having to brace ourselves for the end. It’s going to be here before you know it.

Related Lucifer video! – Be sure to get some more recent thoughts on filming at the bottom of this article! For more news, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and take a look at our full series playlist.

In a new post on Twitter (see below), series star Aimee Garcia officially confirmed that filming is going to be wrapping up in Los Angeles later this week, which is unsurprising but also unspeakably sad. It’s been a fantastic journey just seeing everyone get back together to do these episodes in the first place. In the weeks that followed the cancellation, there wasn’t any guarantee that Lucifer as a series would be back at all. Now, however, we know that there are at least ten more exciting episodes coming down the pipeline and we couldn’t be more ready to see some of them unfold … even if we do have to wait a little while in order to check them out.

So will these days be the final ones for the cast filming the show? At the moment, the jury is still out and we imagine that the entire production team is keeping that in mind as they try their best to wrap things up. With the future so uncertain at the moment, the best thing that they can do is try to live and enjoy every second of filming to the best of their ability. After that, it’s out of their hands and completely up to Netflix and whatever they would like to do when it comes to the future of the series down the line. We certainly do think that it’s possible that the series could get a season 5 — the demand will be there, but we don’t like to count any metaphorical chickens before they hatch.

As for what’s going to be happening on Lucifer season 4, this could be a season of honesty and about learning who people truly are — much of the world of these characters was blown wide open at the end of the finale and as we move forward from here, we’ll have to figure out precisely how to pick up the pieces and determine properly what is going to be coming up next.

Lucifer season 4 will be available at some point in 2019 — at what point is currently up to the streaming service. It probably won’t be the first couple of months, though, given that the production team needs some time to get it all together.

Related News Be sure to get some other information right away on Lucifer, including discussion on some other new episodes

What do you think about filming wrapping up for Lucifer season 4? Be sure to share some of your thoughts on the subject below! (Photo: Netflix.)


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