Doctor Who season 11 episode 6 video: A journey through Yaz’s history
Related Doctor Who video – Be sure to look below for some more thoughts that date back to the premiere episode! Meanwhile, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other insights.
Let’s kick off things article by talking about the setting. We are seeing The Doctor and her team venture all the way back to the 1940’s Pakistan, a place that is certainly different from modern-day London. While there, they are going to discover that things are not quite what they at first seem. There are demons running rampant throughout the area and of course, it remains the responsibility of Yaz, The Doctor, and their crew to figure out what’s going on. For whatever reason, there are monsters infecting this period in history and there needs to be a proper way to stop them.
Of course, having some crazy-cool villains in this episode will cause it to stand out … but we don’t really think that this is the biggest thing that will carry the day now. Instead, it’s more about Yaz’s family and getting a chance to actually see why this era matters for her. This is something that you have to hope we see with some other supporting characters moving forward — wouldn’t it be great to also get a good episode for Ryan or for Graham?
Will this episode be thought of as a classic? It’s interesting that it feels like we’re past the grace period now where many viewers start to become a little bit more opinionated and they feel like the show has, more or less, had time to “figure itself out.” The person who, of course, is targeted the most with criticism is showrunner Chris Chibnall — it’s always the showrunner who finds themselves in this position. To be fair, Chibnall is coming off two episodes that are probably the weakest of the entire season and he has to find a way to bounce back. To us, “Rosa” is the best episode of the season and it’s by a pretty wide margin. It’s of course great to be able to bestow a lot of praise on an episode so quickly, but at the same time that does raise the stakes for everything else you end up seeing.
For some other news – Be sure to check out further insight right away on what lies ahead!
What do you want to see when it comes to Doctor Who season 11 episode 6? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: BBC.)