American Horror Story: Apolcalypse episode 7 video: Kill or be killed

Sarah Paulson

The latest American Horror Story: Apocalypse episode 7 video makes one thing rather clear: The story is already heating up.

In a lot of ways, that makes a great deal of sense. This is a series that only has a handful of episodes left and with that, there’s a lot to tie up in between to Coven and some of the new characters. Are we really done with Murder House now? That remains to be seen, but we do really like the way in which that was incorporated into the series. There was a lot of story crammed in there, but it all worked and it never felt too much like everything was just jam-packed in there for the sake of doing so. It really just felt like it told a story that worked, and offered up some sense of closure for characters we may not end up seeing again.

Now, we’re entering an hour entitled “Traitor” that makes it seem as though we’re going to have violence between different factions, aggression, and Kathy Bates being exceptionally creepy while ordering some meat. This episode has a tough challenge ahead of it in trying to match the greatness of what we just saw, but we give the writers a lot of credit for being this ambitious in the first place. They probably knew that “Return to Murder House” was going to be one of their most highly-anticipated episodes, but they still aren’t shying away from taking more risks the rest of the way. We just have to wait and see how many of those end up delivering.

Just be prepared for some more surprises … this is a franchise that really relies on that, especially when you enter this point in a season. The have a real knack for keeping many secrets under wraps.

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What do you want to see when it comes to American Horror Story: Apocalypse season 7? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments below! (Photo via FX.)

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