Saturday Night Live review: Pete Davidson talks Kanye West, & Awkwafina highlights


Tonight, Saturday Night Live gave you a new episode featuring Awkwafina as the host, and there was a certain degree of mystery with that. After all, we’d never had an opportunity to see her host the show before, and we had a certain degree of mystery as to what she would bring to the table because of that.

What we knew from Crazy Rich Asians is that she was a really funny, gifted performer who maybe never had the right opportunity before that movie.

If you missed it…Head over here to get our full take on the cold open, which featured the GOP locker room celebrating the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation vote for the Supreme Court. This was mildly funny, but not over-the-top by any means.

Awkwafina monologue – We got a chance to learn a little bit more about her history here, which was nice given that not too many other people may know a lot about her story. She had some funny moments and also paid homage to Lucy Liu, her idol, for hosting the show so many years ago. That opened the door for her as an Asian-American host so many years down the road.

Want more SNL videos? – Then we suggest that you subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for video reviews and more coverage of the show. We’ve also got a full show playlist to ensure that you don’t miss any other coverage of the series.

Dance Crew Battle – This was a showdown between two different crews in a back alley with slightly questionable moves. One crew was a little bit more traditional, while Awkwafina’s crew did dances to a number of random game shows. The best part of this may have actually been a really game cameo from Travis Scott, who had some fun out there with the cast.

Presidential Alert – We had a feeling that the producers were going to touch on this in some shape or form, and they did this by making Presidential Alerts modified versions of Trump tweets. This was fun, but turning this into a Cricket Wireless ad at the end was really inspired.

Egyptian style guru – This was completely random, as Awkwafina played the part of a stylist who was desperate to remake the show’s version of an Egyptian royalty. This was short, really random, and ultimately stupid since it didn’t actually go anywhere other than making it seem like Ancient Egypt was just like the world today.

Ted Cruz – Basically, this entire pre-taped sketch was an attempt to try and make Ted Cruz look cool for Texas voters; however, it turned that it just wasn’t possible.

Weekend Update – We did get a chance to see the return of Donald Trump Jr. and Eric in this segment, but the real highlight here was Pete Davidson talking about Kanye West. He praised his musical ability, but also called him someone who shouldn’t be speaking out on a number of other things. Pete also claimed that he was the perfect person to talk about Kanye because he was “crazy.”

Dating a Magician Game Show – This was weird, but also funny since most of the entire sketch was about watching people try to keep from breaking character — especially given that we had Pete playing a crazy danger artist and then also the brother / sister duo who clearly were in love with each other.

Baby Shower – Consider this a reminder of the sort of late-in-the-show sketch that we often see, one where a seemingly normal event featuring many of the show’s female cast members started to fall apart due to strange behavior. This time around, it was due to someone having an issue about babies at the baby shower.

The Pumpkin Patch – Apparently, it just so turns out that some employees at a pumpkin patch had sex with some of the pumpkins. This was weird, but probably the funniest part of it was when some of the employees drove off to sentimental music … and also a number of pumpkins recommended by their boss.

Debette Goldry – The iconic actress, played by Kate McKinnon, returned for another roundtable segment that was effectively the same sort of we’ve seen before. seeing her play off of Awkwafina was fun, but that was just about all of the main entertainment we got out of this.

Related Be sure to get some other news when it comes to this weekend’s new SNL episode

What are your thoughts on tonight’s SNL episode featuring Awkwafina? Share right away in the attached comments. (Photo: NBC.)


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