Kate McKinnon sabotages Adam Driver – Saturday Night Live promo


The first Saturday Night Live season 44 promo has hit the web, and this one features Adam Driver as well as Kate McKinnon.

Is Driver a worthy first host? We know he has the experience to be good given that he’s done this before and many hosts get better the second go-around. He’s also got plenty of live performing experience and can roll with some of the punches. (We’re a little more surprised about Kanye West as a musical guest, but that’s a completely different subject.)

As for putting McKinnon in the first promo, that absolutely makes sense when you consider for a minute that she is one of the most-successful cast member of the group at the moment. She’s the best person that they have in order to market the series and it’s right for producers to want to milk that if at all possible. The premiere is funny, mostly because Kate does her part in order to make it ridiculous and awkward.

So what can we expect in the episode itself? We imagine that there will be a lot of political humor in here just because that’s the nature of the country right now; yet, we wouldn’t be shocked if things were toned down a little bit this time around just to mix things up a little bit. The majority of the same cast from last season, save for Luke Null, will be a part of the show this time. Hopefully, there is some good chemistry between everyone and a lot of fun. That’s what we want from the show these days — a chance to laugh, a chance to really see the world in a comedic life, and a little bit of escapism.

Related Be sure to get some more news regarding the SNL premiere right now!

What do you think about this first Saturday Night Live season 44 promo? Be sure to share in the attached comments!

Also, remember that you can like CarterMatt on Facebook for some other information when it comes to the NBC series. You don’t want to miss any other updates this season! (Photo: NBC.)

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