Fear the Walking Dead season 4 episode 15 video: Is Morgan sacrificing himself?

Fear the Walking Dead season 4 episode 11

As we move closer to Fear the Walking Dead season 4 episode 15, there are big questions to ask — especially with Morgan. After all, could we really see this character sacrifice himself for the sake of others who are in need?

In the video below, you can see a little bit more information about what Morgan wants to do for the sake of some other survivors, including some he only recently met. He understands the reality of his situation, just as he also is putting a lot of responsibility on himself for the fact that these characters are in this situation in the first place. That’s something that he realizes could have been avoided, and he thinks that it is almost a duty of his in order to protect everyone else.

Of course, we don’t think that Morgan is actually going to die here. It feels like he’s got a goal to eventually get back to Alexandria and we want him to have a chance to succeed. After all, we’ve certainly seen him go through worse over the years. as he’s taken on a number of other difficult obstacles.

The biggest thing actually going for Morgan at the moment is something that he doesn’t even know about — that Alicia and Charlie could be heading in his direction and are ready and willing to help in just about any way that they possibly can. These two have made the decision to come back rather than just continue their own journey to the beach, and we certainly feel like they are going to be invaluable in determining where the course of the story goes from here. There are only two more episodes to go and we very much imagine the series going out with a bang … at least for now. After all, there is still a season 5 on the way.

Related Be sure to get some other news regarding the next new episode

What do you want to see the most when it comes Fear the Walking Dead season 4 episode 15? Share now in the comments!

Also, remember here to like CarterMatt on Facebook for some other information when it comes to the series. (Photo: AMC.)

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