The Good Cop episode 4 review: The rise of TJ the bowler

The Good Cop episode 4

The Good Cop episode 4 may very well be the series’ most-entertaining episode yet, at least in terms of pure absurdity. To go along with that, though, we also got a little more insight into what makes these characters who they are.

Like the first three episodes of this season, it’s not that hard here to explain the premise: After the murder of a bowling-center staffer, Cora and the rest of the police find themselves in a position where they have to figure out what’s really going on here. Meanwhile, at the same time Tony finds himself using Ryan’s new innovation (designed more for toys) in order to help him win — or, to be specific, to help TJ win. All of a sudden, TJ suddenly thinks that he’s good at bowling and the rest of the episode is about his rise to bowling prominence. He starts developing a huge ego and, by the end of the episode, considers quitting the force to enter the PBA.

What we love about this episode is how it really tries to turn the world of bowling into a glamorous life with adoring fans and over-the-top behavior. TJ is such a mild-mannered guy that even when he’s incredibly egotistical, he’s still not all that different from his usual self. Still, it was clear that there would be a hard fall to earth for him eventually — his talent was ultimately nonexistent, as he never realized until the end of the episode that his father was actually using Ryan in order to rig the bowling balls. Ultimately, he learned that he, in actuality, stinks at bowling, and his real skill is solving crimes as a part of the NYPD. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but that is the reality.

Meanwhile, Cora was able to figure out who was responsible for the murder — another bowler. Thanks to a locked box and a crane game, some of the evidence started to fall into place.

CarterMatt Verdict

This episode was incredibly funny, in between the rise and fall of TJ the semi-pro bowler (he bought two trophy cases!) and Tony trying to convince Ryan that cheating for the sake of his son was somehow a worthwhile career for him. Yet, in the midst of the humor there was an underlying sadness as we saw, through bowling, how much TJ was desperate to impress his father, who always wanted him to be good at sports.

If The Good Cop continues to tell stories like this that combine fun mysteries (even if they’re predictable — the stuffed animal with the evidence could be seen a mile away) with great character moments, we’re going to keep watching and enjoying for many seasons to come — provided, of course, that Netflix renews it.

Related – Be sure to get some other reviews for The Good Cop

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