Elementary season 6 debate: Should Detective Bell stay until finale?
At the end of this past episode, Bell made a decision that could fundamentally shift the entire feel of the series — it looks as though in six months, he’s going to be joining the US Marshals for training. Every bit of evidence that we now have suggests that this character is going to be leaving the show — unless, of course, he changes his mind. We don’t want to spend too much time dwelling on that, mostly because generating false hope is a dangerous thing. If he ends up departing the team for good, that happens and we have to move forward from it. It’s hard imagining someone else coming in and delivering the same chemistry, but we’d certainly given them a shot.
Did you see our video? – Check that out at the bottom of the article for more thoughts on the character’s status; you can also subscribe to our YouTube for more.
For this particular article, we want to focus more at least on this subject: Are we at least going to get Detective Bell for the remainder of the season? We definitely want that, largely so that it gives us a chance to prepare to say goodbye in the event that this is what happens. It’s hard to make big cast changes in the middle of the season, and we certainly do not want that for Sherlock given some of the threats that are potentially coming up down the road. (Do you really think that Michael is gone for good? It’s really hard to imagine that.)
In theory, it feels like we will at least get Bell the rest of the season, provided of course that the show moves forward in real time. That’s the big issue to worry about here, mostly because we’ve seen already one big time jump this season. If there’s another, we could be without Bell at some point in the future and we certainly don’t want that.
Related – Check out another preview for Monday’s new episode
Do you want to see Marcus Bell stick around on Elementary season 6 for some time moving forward? Share right now in the attached comments!
Meanwhile, remember that you can like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some other news on all things Elementary. (Photo: CBS.)
Eva Merrick
August 16, 2018 @ 6:00 am
This character and Jon Michael Hill have become a big factor un how wonderful Elementary is. Stay!!!
August 14, 2018 @ 2:07 am
Detective Bell should definitely stay,
He’s as much a part of the show as Sherlock and Joan.
August 13, 2018 @ 3:44 am
Detective Bell should stay