Outlander notes: Behind the scenes, past and present


In this particular edition of our CarterMatt Outlander notes, we are here to discuss some of the latest happenings behind the scenes — both now and also in the show’s past.

Let’s kick things off here with a new tease via Twitter from none other than show executive producer Maril Davis, who gives us a fun tease saying that there’s a little bit of action happening at the moment behind the scenes. Sure, what she alludes to (you can see the post below) is funny, but the fact that there are multiple gun props on the show right now certainly suggests that there’s some sort of battle happening. That shouldn’t come as too great of a surprise, given that the cast and crew are currently working on the end of the season. There’s roughly a week or so left in production this season and we hope that over the course of that, we get a few more teases as to what is going on.

One other thing that’s worth noting about the timing of the post is that after spending a good bit of time last week doing night shoots, Outlander seems to be very firmly back towards working during the day.

Season 4, as previously announced, is going to be premiering on Starz this November.

The makings of a voyage at sea

It was a little over a year ago that the series wrapped up its third season, and one of the most memorable parts of the final episodes of that season was seeing Jamie and Claire traveling to the Caribbean via the Porpoise and the Artemis. The post below via first assistant director Nick Heckstall-Smith gives you a good sense as to how they made some of these scenes aboard the Artemis work while in production down in South Africa last year. This particular crew is very accustomed to doing this sort of work via Black Sails and it’s not the easiest to replicate, given that you’re basically having to create an authentic experience of people at sea. It’s hard to do that with characters actually on the water unless you find a way to deal with the elements and all of the other problems that could inevitably come your way.

This season, there could be some characters traveling once more, but it does not appear as though anyone is returning to South Africa to do it.

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