The Originals season 5: Should Freya, Keelin’s wedding happen before finale?
If you find yourselves out there rooting for Keelin and Freya, there’s a reasonably good chance that tonight’s episode put a smile on your face! In the midst of all of the chaos and Elijah being thrown around by Hope’s magic, Freya came to a conclusion that she didn’t want to live without Keelin anymore. She realized that she was her family every bit as much as the Mikaelsons were and she wanted to make the same sort of commitment to her. That led to the proposal, and thankfully, that led to Keelin accepted it. I loved the moment, both as a symbol of optimism and also a celebration of two characters who have clearly been through quite a bit since they first turned up on the show.
In giving the two characters a wedding, there’s at least a small chance that some of the characters on the show are going to be able to depart the series feeling as though they had a victory on their side. You can get some other characters there for the ceremony and this can represent love amidst darkness — even if the rest of the final episodes are deadly and terrible.
As lovely as this thought is, I also recognize that there are many reasons why a wedding may not happen. For starters, there’s really not a lot of time left between now and the end of the series! There may not be time in order to have it happen. Beyond just that, there is also a chance that something could happen to one of these characters … not that this is something that I’m rooting for! With a show like The Originals, there is a certain amount of unpredictability that you have to expect.
Related – Be sure to get some more news in regards to tonight’s episode, including a full review
Do you want to see Freya and Keelin married before the end of The Originals? Be sure to share now in the comments below!
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