Lord of the Rings series could be air on Amazon by 2021
Speaking in a new, far-reaching interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Amazon Studios head Jennifer Salke made it clear that she wants to ensure that the show, based of course on the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, will be in production within the next couple of years:
It’ll be in production in two years; [on the air in] 2021 is the hope. But there are other people who wish it was 2020.
We certainly don’t think that there are many people out there who would balk at the opportunity to write on a production this ambitious, but it doesn’t seem like a formal showrunner search has begun just yet. There are also still discussions that are ongoing with Lord of the Rings trilogy director Peter Jackson about just how much involvement he would like to have with the project. If nothing else, we would personally love to see him direct the pilot.
While it is early and we certainly do think that plans could change, the objective here seems to be to tell stories within the established universe of the movies as opposed to just remaking the stories that are already out there. This is a risky proposition but we do think that there would be a thirst in getting any story within this particular world. We’ve already seen thanks to the video-game industry that there is a demand for stories in Middle-Earth that don’t involve a member of the Baggins family. They just need to be well-done and still have proper stakes. They can’t just feel like they mean very little compared to some of what is going on with some of the hobbits and the quest to destroy the One Ring.
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