The Originals series finale will give you some Mardi Gras

The Originals series finale

Just in case you wanted to get a little bit of Mardi Gras before The Originals comes to a close, rest assured that you’re going to get just that in the series finale. For most people, this is a chance to celebrate and really embrace some weird and wacky things — through the lens of the show, however, it could mean some entirely different things.

Given that this is a show where chaotic things happen almost anywhere, don’t you have to assume that it is pretty likely some chaotic things are also going to happen here? It is the final episode of the series, and because of that it feels pretty darn clear that things are going to hit the fan before the end.

Will there be a celebration? Probably, but there should be some bumps in the road along the way. In speaking on this particular subject further, show executive producer Julie Plec had the following to say to Entertainment Weekly.

“We finally get some Mardi Gras at the very end of the season … We see them building to it in the months leading up to it, and then we get to actual Mardi Gras in the finale.”

The question that you should really be pondering over if you are a fan of The Originals is simply this: Whether or not many of your favorite characters are going to even be making it to the series finale in the first place. Just remember that this season has already featured the capture of Hayley and, at least at the moment, we feel like this is largely the tip of the iceberg in terms of the super-dramatic, crazy things that you are going to see unfold. The only thing to be sure about is that Hope survives, mostly because she does have that spin-off show coming up in the future.

Related Be sure to get some more information regarding the next all-new episode of the season!

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