Doctor Who season 11: Clearly, Jodie Whittaker is having a good time…
For a little more evidence of this, just check out what series star Jodie Whittaker had to say on the subject on the BBC red carpet for the BAFTA TV Awards recently:
“It’s like nothing I’ve ever done before, it’s absolutely incredible … I must smile every single morning knowing I’m going to work to do it, I’m very lucky – it’s brilliant … It feels incredibly epic. The ambition is wonderful, and something we’re fighting every day to have the energy to back it up with.”
Beyond the fact that Whittaker is playing the latest version of The Doctor, what we know about the latest season is that it will run for ten episodes, the installments are going to be a little bit longer than they were for season 10, and that it is slated to premiere on BBC and BBC America at some point this autumn. Our personal expectation is that there is going to be some more in the way of footage revealed, and possibly a full trailer, at San Diego Comic-Con later this year (if not before that). While we know that the BBC often does love to play things pretty close to the vest for a long time, we do think that there is a little more value in having some information out in the open early here. With a show of this magnitude and with this much hype around it, don’t you want to get everyone excited early?
Related – Be sure to check out some more of the latest insight regarding the series?
What do you want to see the most on Doctor Who season 11? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!
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