Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Who won the final four Veto?
Anyhow, here is the news that we know so many people out there want to know — Kaela has won the Power of Veto! With that, she does have the power to officially evict Will from the game leading into the final three. Will’s already made some peace with that and as a result of this, it’ll be Paras versus a showmance in the final three.
This Veto win is yet another reminder that winning a ton of comps is a key part of the modern Big Brother game, especially in the Canadian version. This is the third straight season in which a dominate challenge run has sealed the fate of the season — it was Kelsey and Phil/Nick who dominated in season 4; meanwhile, it was Kevin who went hard in season 5. Now, it’s the combination of Derek and Kaela.
The big question we wonder now is this: Can Kaela win the game? There’s no question that in terms of competition prowess and a willingness to make moves, she deserves it. Yet, she has struggled when it comes to jury management in that she hasn’t always made people feel good upon them leaving the house. Even Maddy said in her exit interview yesterday that Kaela’s game is very “self-centric” and there’s a sense of confidence there that could be off-putting. If you are to subscribe to the theory that there are no bitter juries, Kaela’s going to need to work hard socially in front of the jury to ensure that her moves are respected and that there are no hurt feelings.
What do you think about the results of the Power of Veto Competition in the Big Brother Canada house? Be sure to share in the comments below!
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