Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Maddy prepares for eviction (day 62)
If you’re anyone else still in the house, that’s how much time you have to finally make a big move and shake the game up. It’s too bad for Maddy that she’s not going to have a chance to make it any further. She confided to her allies last night that she knows she is likely going and, of course, is thinking about making some sort of spectacle on her way out the door. In terms of entertainment, we’d love it if she did something to throw Kaela under the bus to Will, though we’re not all that sure that this will happen given that we haven’t seen too many occasions of Maddy living up to her billing this season.
Maddy has, of course, also told Will and Paras to push forward together, and finally admitted that she is a big-time fan of the show who tried and tried to be a part of it for many years. This is what makes it tough to criticize Maddy too much for her game. There were moments where she tried and we give her a lot of credit for trying to campaign up until the last minute. She deserves credit for making it to the final five, but she just isn’t the personality type to do well in this game. She’s not inherently devious enough to be a strategic force and she’s not athletic enough to be a challenge beast. She came close to winning a couple of competitions but that’s it. She wasn’t the best player ever and she didn’t always have an accurate assessment of the game, but we did at least think she was living her dream and we’ll always prefer someone like that to a boring person who could care less to be there.
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We’ll be back tomorrow with the eviction results, and then also what happens with the final four Head of Household Competition. It doesn’t really matter all that much who wins it, mostly because we’re at the point where the Veto is what could turn the time.
Are you going to miss or remember Maddy beyond her eviction today? Share in the attached comments below!
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