Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Is Ryan’s fate sealed?

Ryan Ballantine

We’re near the latest Big Brother Canada 6 eviction show and with that in mind, we are doing our best to prepare.

There are some things that are odd about this show, and one of the biggest ones has to be Canada working so hard to save Ryan last week only for him to get voted out this week. This is what we saved him for? Really, this entire ordeal should be proof that the Canadian viewing public should not always be entrusted with twists since so many of us often vote emotionally and based on what’s happening in the moment. To think, if Ryan went home last week Erica could’ve been Head of Household this week and if that had happened, there was a reasonably good chance that we would’ve seen the eviction of someone like a Derek or Kaela given where we are in the game right now.

As it is, we’re waiting out the eviction of a guy who seems to be a ridiculous person to send home since he’s never going to win the game. Nonetheless, Paras very much inferred to him how much trouble that he’s in with a conversation last night, telling him that she really couldn’t do all that much to keep him if everyone else votes to evict him. As a matter of fact, she even turned it around on him by saying that if he really cared about her game he wouldn’t ask her to throw away a vote and jeopardize her spot in the house.

Pending some unlikely last-minute change Ryan is going to go home tonight. It’s hard to imagine seeing something transpire that is going to change that given that Johnny has done such a good job the past couple of days; meanwhile, Ryan’s let the game pass him by and we’ve seen many times already that he is absolutely not the best when it comes to campaigning.

Related Be sure to get some other insight right now when it comes to the live feeds!

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