Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Could Canada save Ryan?
Now, here is where things do get rather interesting. Canada can shake up the game either this week or next by saving a nominee. Earlier on this week, it didn’t feel as though Ryan had the momentum in order to do that. Yet, it does feel like there has been a groundswell of support behind him as of late in order to keep him in the game, despite however crazy that may seem at this particular moment in time. There’s a real chance that he is going to find a way to get through this just based on Canada’s vote alone.
Now, is this the right move? That’s really debatable. We understand the appeal of keeping someone like Ryan given that he’s an underdog and by virtue of that, someone worth rooting for. Yet, he also doesn’t have that great of a chance to execute some of his plans. He has won competitions, but unless they are mental comps he has very little chance. Also, he doesn’t have many loyal allies willing to go to bat for him. There’s a great chance Canada saves him this week and he just ends up going home next week.
What’s somewhat scary is this: Ryan gets saved, and then Kaela makes the decision to nominate Erica and she gets voted out. Erica, one of the best competition players in show history, gets screwed by a twist over someone who clearly isn’t going to win the game. That may be Big Brother, but it’s probably in third place between Mitch and Bruno’s exits the first time around as one of the crummiest eliminations in show history. As dramatic as Ryan being saved could be, we’re not sure game-wise if the juice is worth the squeeze.
Related – Be sure to check out some other insight right now when it comes to the live feeds!
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