Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Daela looks ahead (day 39)
Yet, it has been interesting to hear Derek proclaim that he’s willing to roll the dice on nominating Johnny and Erica next to each other for eviction. If they were really starting to look ahead now, they’d push for this with a few more people. Could this make them a target? Sure, but they already were a target. At this point, it feels logical for the two of them to do whatever they can to position someone else in front of them in order to better ensure that they are not the next duo targeted in the game. Nobody in the game is more threatening than Erica, except for Johnny.
Of course, here’s the crazy thing. We’re starting to get to the point in the game where Kevin began his tear last season on his way to the finale. With that in mind, it’s feasible to think that we could see either Johnny or Erica win Head of Household the rest of the way. They’re both smart, they’re both capable of winning endurance competitions, and they understand that they’re in a position now where they are going to be targets. This is probably one of the most dangerous duos in show history. We don’t think that the odds are that high they make final two (we could easily see one taking out the other near the end), but they’ve got a really good chance of beasting their way to that point. This is why if Canada plays the twist, Kaela should just take advantage of the opportunity now to make a move that she may not have a chance to make later.
We’ll see if something more happens later. For now, don’t expect all that much.
Related – Want to see more news on the live feeds and yesterday’s Veto Ceremony?
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