When will Big Brother Canada 6 live feeds return after Double Eviction?

Big Brother Canada 6 premiere

Just in case you are wondering when the Big Brother Canada 6 live feeds are going to be coming back after tonight’s Double Eviction show, we’re certainly pleased to now have an answer.

In a post on Twitter, the Global series confirmed that come Friday at noon Eastern time, you’ll have a chance to learn then who the new Head of Household is — and hopefully along the way see some of the fallout from whatever happens.

Are we still somewhat disappointed by this? Sure, mostly because the night after the Double Eviction has a tendency to be some of the best drama of the entire season. Yet, we understand that the Canadian feeds are free, and they don’t have a tendency to switch them on and off with anywhere near the same sort of regularity that you see from the American version. We figure that they’re doing this in part so they can make production on the next Head of Household Competition easy. Plus, in the aftermath of it the contestants are probably going to be asleep for a long time. We are a little bit curious to see how production will handle the other facets of the weekend given that it is Easter — that is typically a time when some get a little more of a break from work.

Related Be sure to check out our review of Thursday night’s new episode

Hopefully, though, what we see over the next few weeks is another interesting shakeup in the game, presumably with the likes of either Merron, Ryan, Paras, or Will in power. This group is currently in the minority and the White Room is starting to crumble. That’s certainly sad when you consider that the White Room probably has some of the more entertaining personalities this season. While neither Veronica nor Hamza were great strategic players, they were making an active effort to mix things up in the house and we absolutely do appreciate that.

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