Suits season 7 episode 11 review: The Darvey kiss aftermath; the Jessica struggle

Suits season 7 episode 11

Suits season 7 episode 11 kicked things off in a big way on Wednesday night, and that was with touching on the aftermath off what was the biggest moment of the entire season so far: The kiss. Donna kissed Harvey and as it turns out, he’s not altogether thrilled with it.

As a matter of fact, for the majority of the episode he was pretty furious about it. He was hostile towards Donna at work and, beyond that, he was angry that it put him into a position where his relationship could be damaged … though in some ways he did more of the damage himself. After all, he decided not tell Paula about it right away and instead asked her to move in with him. This is what she was upset about more than anything else and this is the foundation for, presumably, many other problems coming up in the near future.

Harvey had to come to terms with what happened, and in turn, Donna had to figure out the right way to apologize. She did eventually do that on the roof of the building, but for some reason Harvey still didn’t want to listen. Is a part of that because he has latent feelings for Donna that he doesn’t want to admit? You have to consider that a possibility. He eventually did come around but it still seems like it may take some time for Darvey to become a thing … if it ever does.

Related Want to get some other news when it comes to the next new episode of Suits?

As for life at the firm this week one of the top priorities was simply this: Trying to see whether or not there was a way in which to properly ensure that Jessica Pearson could end up not getting disbarred. Mike wasn’t okay with her taking the fall for what happened in the first ten weeks of the season. The problem was that there was only one day to get Jessica the money she was owed before causing further problems for the firm; they just needed some sort of way to fund it since they couldn’t do so themselves. Enter Stanley Gordon, a man whose sole motivation in life seems to be vengeance over being presumably screwed out of his spot at the firm in the first place. Harvey needed Gordon’s money, and he figured the right way to do that was to throw Jessica under the bus. Gordon agreed and then Jessica offered up her blessing.

As for Mike and Rachel, there was some talk about a wedding, but also a chance to see the two work together on a legal arrangement so that their client doesn’t get screwed over because of a company taking advantage of them with some bad freezers. The big thing to come out of this more than anything else was seeing Mike realize how much he enjoys being around her. That means that their wedding planning was really a go.

Here’s one other interesting question: Could Mike Ross becoming senior partner? That’s an idea that has been both floated and discussed.

CarterMatt Verdict

This was, to the surprise of probably no one, a worthy start to the Suits mid-season premiere even though Harvey infuriated us for most of the episode. It took a really long time for him to come around and at least treat Donna like a reasonable human being! Even though there was a lot that went on within this episode most of it was great, and with that we remain as excited as ever to see where this complicated narrative goes next.

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Meanwhile, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want to get some other insight when it comes to Suits. (Photo: USA.)

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