Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Is Paras running the game? (day 12, morning)
Both last night and this morning, we have seen Paras do that rather brilliantly as some of her plans are being set. We reported last night that the house is becoming almost white room (Veronica, Merron, Ryan, Hamza, Will, Paras, and Maddy) versus everyone else in the red room — but Paras also has her “Real Deal” alliance with Jesse, Derek, and Kaela. This morning in a conversation with Will, she deliberately did her part to move his thinking to Erica, Ali, and Olivia as big targets. Meanwhile, she proclaimed that some of her secret alliance members were threats, but not threats to him and they shouldn’t be targets.
Basically, Paras is maneuvering things at the moment so that the entirety of people left within a few weeks are aligned with her in some way and no matter who wins, she is spared. That works great … for now.
The big issue we wonder about here is this: Is Paras peaking to soon? It’s not always great to be playing the best game in week two since that’s leaving a lot of time for other people to catch on to whatever it is that you are doing.
Other events in the house
The red room people, especially Erica, have spent a lot of time talking about whether Merron or Veronica is smart to remove from the game first — she feels like Merron is a slightly bigger target right now. What’s probably the most amazing thing at the moment is that Ryan seems to be coming out of his Head of Household week without too much blowback despite doing a pretty terrible job and effectively eliminating someone who would’ve been loyal to him. Had he nominated Erica and Olivia, for example, he could have removed someone from the other side and given his own crew a numbers advantage. If only this group came together sooner.
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