Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: White room vs. red room (day 11)
As of right now, the white room crew is the more intriguing: Hamza, Ryan (who is HoH and therefore currently sleeping in his own room), Veronica, Merron, Maddy, Paras, and Will. They’re the people who seem to be mounting an attack; even if not every one of them gets along on every little thing, there is a relative sense of urgency and a desire for them all to play hard here.
There are, however, two issues that are still pretty clear at the moment.
1. The real deal alliance – This group, which Paras is in alongside Kaela, Derek, and Jesse, is a group that she may still try to protect. Obviously, it makes sense for her to try to keep as many different allies around in the game for as long as humanly possible. We ultimately are going to need some more Diary Room sessions to know where her true allegiance really lies.
2. Erica’s already onto the idea – It doesn’t take too much thought to figure out that this side of the house could all unify and go after the other group.
With that said, however, there are also some Red Room people who are thinking about keeping people like Hamza and Ryan around to go after some of their own people in the future. That does add in another interesting layer of flux into the game that wasn’t quite there previously.
Related – Check out some more news on the Big Brother Canada live feeds
Earlier today, Erica and Hamza also went on their field trip in order to see the latest Tomb Raider movie — given that this was a part of the Veto Competition, espect a lot of product placement.
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