Shark Tank preview: SnapClips, The Dough Bar, ShowerPill, ChangEd, The Bouqs


Are you ready for one of two episodes of Shark Tank tonight on ABC? Even though the Grammys are coming on the air, ABC is still going hard by pushing two separate episodes of the reality show featuring some new products and investors hoping to make their dreams come true.

If you look below via ABC, you can get a pretty good sense as to just what some of the products are going to be in the first episode, which features Alex Rodriguez stopping by as a Shark:

Two health conscious entrepreneurs from Redwood City, California, introduce the sharks to their guilt-free sweet treat; three athletes from Berkeley, California, share their magic solution for when a shower isn’t possible and you’re in the thick of a stinky situation; brothers from Oak Forest and Chicago, Illinois, present their pricing tool that collects spare change to help student loan borrowers; an entrepreneur from Wheeling, Illinois, presents his patented technology geared toward athletes, which helps secure and swap weights quickly and safely

With one exception, all of the products in this episode are themed around fitness and general wellness for your physical health.

ChangEd – A brilliant idea. What this app basically does is round up many of your purchases to the next dollar and use some of that spare change monthly to hel pay down your student loans. This effectively makes your money easier to budget and helps you get rid of loans faster. A win-win, really.

The Dough Bar – Just in case having donuts packed with protein has always been your dream, this company provides that for you. It’s the latest in a line of protein-based products that we’ve seen on this show — remember the protein pancakes or the invention that allows your workout drinks to remain cold? This is a way to treat yourself without straying far from your diet.

ShowerPill – The product that they are marketing more than any other is the Body Wipe, which basically is their version of taking a shower on the go. You can use these wipes to clean yourself off and feel refreshed after a workout — clearly, we are continuing this trend in the episode.

SnapClips – Look! It’s another workout-related product. Basically, SnapClips are a way to better ensure that weights stay where they are supposed to on the bar so that there are no unfortunate mishaps. This seems to be the sort of simple, functional product that can fare well outside the Tank. After all, it takes almost zero effort in order to explain it.

This episode also features an update on flower company The Bouqs, one that has easily become one of the most successful brands out there since first appearing on the series.

Do any of these Shark Tank products excite you?

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