Shark Tank preview: DudeRobe, GOAT Pet Speaker, The Longhairs, Joe’s Gourmet Fish Fry
Like we often do, let’s start off this article with a synopsis before handing down some more information about the products featured tonight:
Husband and wife entrepreneurs from Atlanta, Georgia, introduce the Sharks to their famous seafood breading mix business; an entrepreneur from Birmingham, Mississippi, provides pets and their owners a way to communicate with one another with her invention; a re-engineered bathrobe for today’s man and for those men who wouldn’t be caught dead in one is presented to the Sharks by an entrepreneur from Roslyn, New York; entrepreneurs from San Diego, California, inform the Sharks on what every man with long hair needs to know and have in their life
DudeRobe – This is a series of lowel-lined clothing products designed to be both absorbent and also comfortable. Basically, it’s meant to provide a similar purpose to your typical bathrobe, while also looking and feeling pretty cool and comfortable in the process.
Joe’s Gourmet Fish Fry – Basically, this is the way to make your fish fry as delicious as possible without having to bring a number of different ingredients along with you such as herbs and spices. They’ve already got a pretty solid distribution; while many food products on Shark Tank make the Sharks cagey (it’s so hard to get shelf space), this one may have a chance.
GOAT Pet Speaker – For those of you who have always wondered what your pet could say if they could talk, this product may actually have an answer for you. This is certainly one of the stranger innovations we’ve seen on the Tank, but it could also be one of the funniest. Basically, these are app-controlled speakers that you can use to “give your dog a voice” and to play music for walks or other times of the day. The video below has more insight.
The Longhairs – You know how there are all sorts of products out there for men to help with beard hygiene? Well, this is a line designed specifically to cater to men who have long hair, whether it be various hair-care products or stylish hair ties.
Do any of these Shark Tank products have your interest? Share in the comments below, and be sure to also like CarterMatt on Facebook for additional insight on everything we cover. (Photo: ABC.)