Outlander season 4 Christmas speculation galore! Sam Heughan movie news

Outlander season 3 finale photos

Outlander and Christmas do have an interesting relationship. For more evidence of that, look at the episode “Freedom & Whisky” earlier this year where Claire made the decision around Christmastime to leave America to head back to Scotland.

So with the show’s history of looking at the holiday in mind, doesn’t it make a certain degree of sense to wonder what Claire’s Christmas could look like now? Aren’t there so many interesting possibilities for what that could be?

We should start here by reminding you that we’re not a book reader — therefore, we cannot say if Christmas comes up for Jamie and Claire at some point in the future. What we know is that possibilities for fun moments there are pretty much endless — and for a wide array of different reasons. For example, Christmas was far different in the 1960’s than it was in the 18th century. Many modern-day Christmas traditions are Victorian-born and we’re not exactly close to the Victorian era on the show. For Claire, we know that Christmas holds importance — it is a part of her past, and a tradition that she shared with Brianna and Frank. Christmas is almost a microcosm for Claire’s traditions in the 18th century. How does she manifest those and keep them alive when so much of the basis behind these traditions doesn’t exist?

Think about things this way — if Claire starts bringing in Christmas traditions into 18th century America, she could be a Christmas visionary! Maybe Santa Claus could someday be known as Christmas Claire instead.

Anyhow, those were some thoughts that crossed our mind earlier. Now, how about some movie news?

Sam Heughan’s film has a new release date

Per The Hollywood Reporter, Heughan’s first big studio movie The Spy Who Dumped Me — which also stars Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon — is going to now arrive in theaters on August 3. That’s a full month later than the originally planned release date.

Why the change? Well, these things just happen sometimes with movies as studios try to position their projects around when they think the largest pool of viewers are available. Sometimes there are production reasons. What we know is that August tends to be a good month for comedies, especially since they don’t tend to get anywhere near as lost in the big-budget blockbuster shuffle.

Want to get some more news when it comes to Outlander?

Earlier in the day, we published a fun letter to Starz asking the network to renew the show for a fifth season — after all, wouldn’t it be the perfect Christmas treat? Check that out over at the link here.

Meanwhile, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want to see even more great news when it comes to Outlander, present and future. (Photo: Starz.)

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