Outlander season 4 progress being made, even during holiday break

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Even though Outlander season 4 filming may not be going on at the moment, that is not stopping any work from being done to get the Starz series prepared for the next block of episodes in the new year — or even some of the blocks coming up after that!

In responding to a recent post on Twitter, show executive producer Matthew B. Roberts made it clear that writing work will continue throughout the holiday break as a means to get ahead of where things are in production. When both filming and writing are happening at the same time it is significantly harder for the scripts to churn out at a faster pace than scenes are being filmed. You have to multi-task between your work on upcoming episodes and taking on whatever questions that the cast or crew may have during the production process. There are also changes and rewrites that happen on the fly during filming as an additional means of ensuring that everything is perfect. Outlander may have some of the best writing in television but the process of creating it doesn’t come easy! It takes a lot of time over the course of the year and a lot of collaboration between all the parties involved.

Writing for the remainder of season 4 will likely continue in one way or another until the spring — even though the final scripts may be complete prior to the finale being filmed, there are still more changes and adjustments that could be made even after scripts are turned in. Around the time filming starts to wrap up, the writers room for the next season starts to open. Even before that, Roberts and some of the other writers may be reading the source material and doing plenty of their own research. Think of it as getting a head start.

The point in spelling all of this out is to serve as an additional reminder that working on Outlander is not an easy job by any means — it’s taxing and it really is year-round. This is why producers and showrunners are often considered some of the hardest-working people on TV. We hope that the team can get whatever sort of break that they can during the holiday season but it certainly seems as though it won’t be much of one.

Outlander production resumes in the new year, and as you may know at this point season 4 is slated to premiere at some point in 2018. You probably know by now if you’re a CarterMatt reader that we will have some more news every step of the way.

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