Saturday Night Live deleted sketch sends Beck Bennett on New Year’s Eve party

Dave Chappelle

A new Saturday Night Live deleted sketch is now online after this past episode and it raises one question: Should it have aired on the show?

We do think that this is a reasonably good question to ask for a number of different reasons, with the biggest one being that much of the Kevin Hart show, especially the part after Weekend Update, being a complete dud. You have to think that there was room for a sketch like this, right?

For one, in the midst of all of the Christmas sketches the past few weeks it would’ve been nice to get one about New Year’s Day thrown in there. Also, there’s something incredibly relatable about Beck’s character getting strung along by some dude who really isn’t all that interested in hanging out with him. He’s acting like he is, but whenever a cooler party shows up he bails on him before he gets there. We’ve probably all had a friend like this.

We’re not even going to pretend that this is a great sketch, mostly because it’s the same exact thing over and over again. Yet, there’s at least some creativity here and it gets really weird over the final two minutes with some of the directions that Bennett’s character receives. It’s almost reminiscent of Stefon reading off the list of New York’s Hottest Clubs. The only thing that would have made this better is if Bill Hader turned up at some point.

In the end, our final verdict here is that NBC really should have gone with this sketch over some of the other late ones, but probably didn’t because A) many of these Beck Bennett – Kyle Mooney sketches end up getting cut and B) it’s not one that really shows off the host in Kevin Hart. When you’ve got a star of his power it makes sense that you would want to promote him as much as possible.

What did you think about this new Saturday Night Live deleted sketch? Be sure to share now in the attached comments!

Also, you can head over to the link here in the event you want to get our latest review for this past episode of SNL. Also, you can like CarterMatt on Facebook if you want more news regarding SNL whenever you want it. (Photo: NBC.)

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