Once Upon a Time season 7: Who is the Coven of Eight?

Coven of Eight

Who is the Coven of Eight on Once Upon a Time season 7? As you are figuring out at the moment they are a very dangerous group of people – a group of witches to be even more specific. These witches are responsible (in part) for the curse that kick-started the first half of the season, and Mother Gothel seems to be doing everything that she can to reunite all of them in Hyperion Heights.

As for why she would want to do that, and what it could mean for some of the various characters on the show right now, let’s just say there are some surprises ahead. Here is what executive producer Edward Kitsis had to say on that subject to Entertainment Weekly:

“We understand that there is a Coven and she’s gathering them for a purpose that will be revealed in the second half of the season … The witches are all in Hyperion Heights, so we’ll be meeting them in the second half of the season.

“The Coven is going to be different [from the villains we’ve seen before] because it’s led by Mother Gothel. What she wants is going to directly affect one of our characters and yet the audience doesn’t know which one yet. They would assume it is based on what they’ve seen, because we’ve seen her be locked up, but as Lady Tremaine warned us, ‘Don’t let her out,’ she is out and we’re going to be realizing they’re gunning after one of our characters for a very specific reason.”

Seeing Gothel operate and meeting some of these witches is going to be one of the many fun parts of the second half of the season. (If you want to know the Once Upon a Time return date CarterMatt has that for you over here.) What we like most about the Coven of Eight twist is that it’s gutsy — throwing eight different characters on the screen at the same time is a bold, ambitious premise and we’re interested in seeing it play back. Obviously, the thing we’re a little bit nervous about is the fact that there are eight characters in this group and trying to give all of them moments in the sun is going to be challenging. There are only twelve more episodes to go this season! That’s not a whole lot of time.

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