Top Chef: Colorado premiere video: The first Quickfire Challenge

Top Chef: Colorado premiere

The Top Chef: Colorado premiere is airing on Bravo Thursday night, and without further ado CarterMatt has another tasty sneak preview of what is coming up. This one seems especially themed around one subject more so than any other: The first Quickfire of the season!

In the video below, you can see all of the newbie chefs thrown for a loop when they realize that their casual meet-and-greet is being halted in a rather surprising way: Their first Quickfire is immediate, and it’s going to be based around a potluck for both the other chefs and the judges. They will be able to make virtually anything they want, but they have to be able to feed everyone while also remembering how hard it is for first impressions to matter. If you get off on the right foot in this competition you get a reputation as a favorite — that’s a nice cushion if you screw up something down the road. While it’s true that one bad dish at any time may be enough to send you home, at the same time there are possible scenarios where we like to think that doing some good dishes in the past serve as a determining factor. If your dish or an equally bad dish are on the line to go home, having a solid reputation matters!

There’s also, of course, another fear: Going home first. After all the work that it takes to be on a reality show (especially Top Chef, one that can often make or break careers), you don’t want to be one of the first people to go home before you get a chance to show off what you can do. There isn’t an indicator in here that the Quickfire loser will go home or that this is a Sudden Death challenge, but you never quite know for sure with this show — anything can happen. Luckily, no matter what happens there’s an interesting twist this season in that Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen is already going on — what the newbie chefs do not realize though, is that there are Top Chef veterans already competing there. You can check out a full video preview on that over at the link here.

Remember now that you can head over here for even more Top Chef news — more on the premiere will be online after it airs!

Also, like CarterMatt on Facebook to get even more scoop regarding this series plus some others we cover. (Photo: Bravo.)

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