The Originals season 5 debate: Should Leah Pipes return as Cami?

Leah Pipes

We know that Candice King is coming onto The Originals to reprise her old Vampire Diaries character of Caroline, so why not bring in another familiar face from the franchise’s past? Isn’t this the right time to get one more appearance from Leah Pipes as Cami?

Bringing Cami back is a little more complicated, even if she started off as a main character on The Originals and therefore has more ties to this show than Caroline does. After all, Cami’s dead — she’s actually died more than once on the show already! We saw the end of her as the psychologist trying to help Klaus and then also the newbie vampire. Her journey was a powerful one that also reminded Klaus that very little in the world is permanent — even when you are immortal. We would also consider her to be one of his great loves, someone who understood him in a way that very few others have over the years.

We should note here that we’re not necessarily saying that Cami and Klaus should be endgame — we know that there are ‘shippers out there of the two just as there are ‘shippers out there still rooting for him and Caroline to be together. In all honesty, Klaus is the sort of character who’s done so many terrible things that you can make an argument that he really isn’t worthy of having some sort of romantic ending to his story. Yet, we’ve also see the good in his heart and the proof that he is capable of so much more.

What we’d like to see for Cami, at the very least, is some sort of cameo in the final season — maybe it’s just a dream sequence or a flashback scene that we never saw on the show before. We know that characters are brought back to life on this show all the time but we almost don’t want that. It invalidates everything that came before and it makes her original death all the less poignant. We like to think of Cami now as Klaus’ guiding light, someone who helps him to see the right thing and will continue to be there to watch over him.

One more thing that we think is interesting to point out here about Klaus and Camille — the final moments featuring the two on the show together featured Klaus telling her “you will find peace.” If you think back to the series finale of The Vampire Diaries the word that the show uses for the afterlife is “Peace.” Did Julie Plec know what she was doing with the end of the flagship show a good couple of years in advance, or was this word choice coincidental? Either way, we hope that Cami is off somewhere happy in the event she never turns up on The Originals again. The character deserves that.

What do you think about this The Originals season 5 preview, and are you hoping to get one more Leah Pipes appearance? Share in the comments below!

Meanwhile, take a look over here to get some more news regarding this show and some casting scoop! You can also like CarterMatt on Facebook to receive even more insight on The Originals and other shows we cover. (Photo: The CW.)

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