Dean Norris, John Ross Bowie cause trouble on The Big Bang Theory season 11

Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 8

On tonight’s episode of The Big Bang Theory we are going to see the return of one of our favorite guest actors – John Ross Bowie! We’ve seen Sheldon have a few different arch nemesis over the years (like Wil Weaton), but there has always been something really special about his rivalry with Kripke. When Bowie moved over to his new show Speechless we weren’t sure if we how much more Kripke we were going to get, but he’s back tonight and we couldn’t be more excited about it!

Dean Norris also returns

We have been secretly hoping and praying to get more Dean Norris on The Big Bang Theory and tonight those prayers were answered. Sheldon has been hired back to work with the military again and Leonard and Howard are worried that he’s working on their project without him…. and they should be! Sheldon went to Colonel Williams and pitched an idea (turning their guidance system into a communications system) and Williams loved it. Of course Howard and Leonard are angry since he’s taking credit for something they all worked on.

When they realize that they have a way to improve the system they call in Kripke to help them with the math so they can screw over Sheldon – what they didn’t expect ( but they really should’ve) was for Kripke to screw over all three of them and take their findings to Williams himself leaving Leonard, Howard and Sheldon all in the dust. Classic Kripke!

Does Bernadette have a new rival?

Raj and Ruchi are still enjoying their “casual” relationship, but they are starting to act a little more like a couple when they show up at Bernadette’s house to give her a plant and tell her that they hope that she feels better soon. Bernadette takes Ruchi saying “take as long as you need to get better” as a sign that she’s trying to steal her projects at work and asks Raj to spy on her. When Raj asked Ruchi how work is she straight up admitted that she’s after Bernadette’s job leaving Raj in a terrible situation – rat on Ruchi or tell Bernadette. He decides to tell Bernadette, but he also called her a hypocrite saying that if the roles were reversed she would’ve crushed Ruchi and stolen her clients too. Later Raj gets dumped by Ruchi when he tries to push the boyfriend card on her.

CarterMatt’s over all thoughts

One of the things The Big Bang Theory season 11 has going for it this season (more so than any other show out there) is it’s guest appearances! This episode brought us both Dean Norris and John Ross Bowie, and it was a great way to bring some of our guys all working together and focus a little less on the romantic relationships (except of course for Raj who’s only purpose on the show right now seems to be finding love). We know that Bowie is busy, but if we can get just one more appearance of him this season we will be thrilled.

What did you think of tonight’s episode of The Big Bang Theory season 11? Leave us a comment in the box below with your thoughts on the season and tell us if there’s anything you want to see happen later on down the road. If you are looking for more scoop on what’s coming up next time on The Big Bang Theory then head on over to the link here and check out a preview that we have for you.

Also, a great way to stay up to date with all of our coverage of The Big Bang Theory is to join our CarterMatt Facebook group – you can do that at the link here. (Photo: CBS)

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