The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 6 video: The Professor Proton revival

Professor Proton

The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 6 is right around the corner and there’s quite a bit to look forward to because Professor Proton is back!

However, this is not the same Professor Proton you remember. The original version of the science TV host is gone, mostly because his character has unfortunately passed away. Luckily, the writers have come up with some unique ways to keep him on the show. He is now effectively Sheldon’s Obi-Wan Kenobi, someone who turns up here and there to offer up advice in some unique ways. Over the course of this episode Thursday night, we’re going to get a chance to see Sheldon actually audition to become the new version of Professor Proton.

While he is going to be more than excited to do this, there are a ton of questions that you have to wonder. For one, is he going to be okay being around children? We’ve seen him be very impatient in the past, and that doesn’t work well with young boys and girls who are watching the show and he would meet at parties. There’s also the question as to how much he’d care for other avenues of science unrelated to physics?

The first sneak peek that we have below courtesy of CBS is actually more Leonard-focused — we hear about the impact Professor Proton had on him as a child. That’s not something we’ve gotten all that much of a over the years, mostly because the main emphasis of this story has been on Sheldon. That shouldn’t be a surprise because most things on this show are centered around him, so it doesn’t always allow for everyone else to weigh in on subjects. You’ll get a chance to see a little bit more in the way of Sheldon’s fandom of Professor Proton in the episode itself.

The second sneak peek is more focused on Howard and Bernadette. These two are doing okay, but struggling with the stress of trying to raise their one child while expecting another. This preview is very much typical of their relationship in that Bernadette continues to be doing everything while Wolowitz is kicking back and trying to relax. We are a little bit worried about Bernadette just because she is taking on even more than usual, and we hope that Howard starts to take the hints here that he needs to do more. He has to step up, since raising two children is not going to be easy on either one of them. It will be very rewarding in the end, but they need to make it there first.

This episode should be funny — many Big Bang Theory installments are, but we anticipate some big personal moments, as well. You have to be prepared for both.

What do you anticipate on this Professor Proton-themed episode of The Big Bang Theory? Let us know in the comments!

Also, check out the link here to see some other recent news on this episode or like us on Facebook to get more updates regarding The Big Bang Theory and many other shows we cover. (Photo: CBS.)

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