Elementary season 6 spoilers: Some sad Joan Watson scoop

Elementary season 6

We know that going into Elementary season 6 things may not be going all that well for Sherlock Holmes because of his condition. What we’re learning today is that things may not be a whole lot better for his colleague Joan Watson.

At its core, this is show is about a couple of different things. From one vantage point, we have really fun mysteries and plenty of them. From there, we’ve also got our fair share of tests and obstacles for Holmes and Watson. It’s about solving the case, but also about watching our duo facing their own problems along the way.

Unfortunately for Joan, she is going to run across many problems in season 6, but one will be more critical and dire than the rest. In speaking on that subject, executive producer Rob Doherty had the following to say courtesy of TVLine:

“Joan will lose someone who was very close to her once upon a time, and she will learn that this person made certain assessments regarding the decisions Joan has made as a professional. It’s going to give her cause to look at choices she’s made and choices that she has right in front of her: Might she be a more complete person if she weren’t in a partnership with Sherlock Holmes?”

Losing someone close to you is something that some people never recover from, but for Joan in particular it looks like this death is going to make her take an introspective look at her life.

Near the end of season 5 Joan lost Shinwell Johnson (and, unfortunately, we also lost the late, great Nelsan Ellis); that seems to be one in a many of falling dominoes that are coming her way. The only thing that we can do as a viewers is be prepared to watch them tumble. For Joan though the weight of this death might change her entire life and the path that she has been on with Holmes. We certainly don’t want to watch this partnership splinter, but we have seen these two face obstacles threatening to pull them apart in the past and they’ve worked through it together.

What do you want to see for Joan Watson on Elementary season 6, and do you think that she will be able to combat this latest bout of adversity? Share below in the comment section!

Also, you can click here in the event you do want to read some more news when it comes to the show (including some scoop on its fairly ambiguous future) or like us on Facebook to get some other news on Elementary and others we cover at CarterMatt. (Photo: CBS.)

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